About Muballiga

This department is offering Three Year Muballiga Diploma Course and Two Year Muallama Diploma Course to all Muslim students. These courses are conducted in association with UNIS ACADEMY, the Islamic Education wing of UNWO, Chennai, who prescribe the Syllabus and the text books.

Three text books for each year, each book consisting of the study materials for 6 Subjects such as:

1. Quran
2. Hadis
3. Fiqh
4. Arabic/Urdu languages
5. Character building
6. Islamic practices are prescribed.

Three examinations are held every year as Quarterly, Half yearly and Annual examinations. Each time examinations are conducted for 6 subjects in addition to examinations on memorizing Quaranic chapters like Sura Yasin, Muzammil, Mulk, Al sajudda, Ammayatha sura etc. Every year three examinations, each examination in Seven subjects, for three years, totaling (21 papers each year for 3 years) 63 papers are conducted.

The passing minimum is 35%. Any Student who passes all subjects is given Muballiga Diploma Certificate. If any student completes only Two Years, she is given Muallama Diploma Certificate. This course is intended to give a thorough knowledge in Islamic Principles, Traditions, Obligations, Practices, Jurisprudence and Islamic way of life. It is meant for strengthening Iman, following the obligations in Islam, developing Thaqwa, Haya, learning good characters, doing Dikir and Duwas and also to develop a sincere feeling about the bad Islamic conditions and practices of Islamic Women and doing Dawath to bring Deen among Islamic Women.